Our Social Responsability Policy



– All our staff are trained in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.  

We had a training before we sent the application where we read and clarified every point of the  act. The training was conducted by our manager. We maintain a training and management policy  to give our staff the skills and support they need to do their job responsibly. We are doing a refresh  training every year. We have printed the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 with the date of the  training and signatures of our staff members and Manager on file in the Staff training register. We also use the ServeWise online training tool (ServeWise.alcohol.org.nz).  

– We are aware of our responsibilities under the SASAA 2012. 

– We will not sell to minors.  

We will take reasonable steps to verify that the buyer and the receiver of the alcohol is not under  the purchase age. The legal alcohol purchase age is 18 years of age.  

In the case of an order made using an internet site, the procedure is to ask the prospective buyer  to declare, by ticking an on-screen box, that he or she is 18 years of age or over (and, where a  prospective receiver is involved, that the prospective receiver is also 18 years of age or over):  

(i) once when the prospective buyer first enters the internet site; and  (ii) again, immediately before the sale of any alcohol is completed. 

In the case of a telephone order, the procedure is to ask the prospective buyer to declare, orally,  that he or she is 18 years of age or over (and, where a prospective receiver is involved, that the  prospective receiver is also 18 years of age or over): 

(i) once when the conversation concerned begins; and  

(ii) again, immediately before the conversation is completed. 

In the case of an order made on a physical order form, the procedure is to ensure that the form requires the prospective buyer to sign the form at a place at or near its end; and contains 2  requests for the prospective buyer to declare, by ticking a box, that he or she is 18 years of age or  over (and, where a prospective receiver is involved, that the prospective receiver is also 18 years of  age or over) one at the beginning of the form; and the other, immediately before the place on the  form where the prospective buyer is required to sign it.

*In all the scenarios described before we will refuse to sell alcohol to the prospective buyer unless,  on both occasions, he or she declares that he or she is 18 years of age or over (and, where a  prospective receiver is involved, also declares that the prospective receiver is 18 years of age or  over). 

– We are trained in assessing intoxication. We will not deliver alcohol to intoxicated persons. If the buyer or the receiver shows sign of intoxication, we will not deliver the alcohol. 

We had a training before we sent the application where we defined and clarified what means  intoxication, the levels of intoxication, how to recognise when someone is intoxicated and how to  deal with them. The training was conducted by our manager. We maintain a training and  management policy to give our staff the skills and support they need to do their job responsibly. We are doing a refresh training every year. We have printed the Host Responsibility guidelines with  the date of the training and signatures of our staff members and Manager on file in the Staff  training register. We also use the ServeWise online training tool (ServeWise.alcohol.org.nz).  

Every staff member has a copy of The Intoxication Prevention Tool that provides some strategies to  help with this. In an emergency scenario our staff will call the police or an ambulance if is that  required. 

– We will actively promote safe and responsible drinking messages. 

– We will not promote alcohol in an irresponsible manner. 

– We will no promote alcohol in a way that is aimed at or is likely to have special appeal to  minors.  

– We will not promote or advertise alcohol that is free of charge outside the licensed  premises – except for complimentary tasting of alcohol in licensed premises. Water will be  freely available during tastings. 

– We will not offer outside the licensed premises any goods or services, or the opportunity  to obtain or win such goods or services, on the condition that alcohol is bought. 

– We will not promote or advertise discounts on alcohol in a way that leads people, or is  likely to lead people, to believe that the price is 25% or more below the price at which  alcohol is ordinarily sold otherwise than in the catalogue or similar price list. 

– Delivery will be between 7 am and 8:59 pm. No delivery will be permitted between 9  pm and 6 am. 

– As a measure of best practice our delivered will check the ID of the receiver of the order  and also whether they are intoxicated or not. The delivered will never leave alcohol if no  one is at home.

– As a measure of best practice, if a customer order more than once a day, we will take extra  care to determine whether the customer is intoxicated or needs support of any kind. 

– We will maintain a safe environment in our neighbour, the premises will be used as an  office and will be only doing deliveries to our customers from our storages. 

– In a prominent place of our website will be available a copy of or licence; including the  licesee´s name, licence number and licence expiry date. All this information will be also  available on all receipts issued.