This collaboration was born from the desire to define our identity as a company, to look for a special and unique design that we would feel proud to use.

We met LatintNZ in Instagram and their designs, creations and products immediately caught our attention. They had a design inspired in Pisco and we saw it and we fall in love immediately. Finally, we got in touch and without knowing it, we discovered that they were also willing to work with us. It was destiny! We were meant to work together. 

Caterina, the creative brain behind LatintNZ, invited us for a once, it is like an afternoon tea but at dinner time, I know it sounds weird but it is one of the most missed things about Chile. 

And because not everything is about food after a brainstorming of ideas and later conversations we end up with our awesome T-shirts with a new design and Logo.

This collaboration opened our brains and made us understand how important is work together as entrepreneurs or small business. This is the future… collaborative work with other companies, in this case with another Latin company here in NZ. 

Unite we are stronger and we can achieve more goals. 

We hope have LatintNZ working with us again in the future and see as well how other companies dare and motivate to create things together.

LatintNZ Website

LatintNZ Instagram

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