First interview

Our 1st interview was with Latin Kiwi in August 2023 

Cecilia Lara or more known as Latin Kiwi has a radio program in Spanish where she explores about what’s going on in NZ and what’s happening with Latin people here.

We were quite nervous. It was our first interview and when we create the company never thought about this, the exposure that comes with making known your business.

It was arranged from one day to another so the guys were working and just Maca and Vale were available for the live interview. We went live and like always our family and friends were there supporting and watching us.

We talked about how Pis&Co was born, the process from the idea to that moment and what our next steps were for the business.

We felt so supported, Cecilia knows how hard can be to create and keep going on with a business and showed the human side of the process; the questions, the unknowns, the doubts and how after all, how this experience made us stronger as a team as we were moving forward along the way and achieving our goals.

If you want to know more watch the full interview here